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The USS Cole

It’s been 10 years since the attack on the USS Cole , a US destroyer that was resupplying in the Gulf of Aden. The Cole was attacked by 2 Moslem terrorists with explosives in a fast boat. The ship nearly sunk; 17 sailors were killed; 39 were wounded. An attack on a ship of war is an act of war. Yet, in those silly days, we still called acts of war by Moslem terrorists criminal acts. You know, if I were going to commit a criminal act—it would be for my personal gain—not to kill myself. Well, our government told the families that these criminals would be prosecuted—and, of course, they weren’t and the investigation has ground to a halt. But the families have been ignored—they’re still waiting for resolution. Someone should tell them, and our president, that we’re at war—then we need to set out to kill all those who are at war with us and those (including nations) who help our enemies—indeed, that’s what Pres GW Bush said after 9-11, but it never happened.

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