concerned veterans for america

Time to fire Petreaus?

During the Vice-President debates last night (11 Oct 12), VP Joe Biden stated very clearly multiple times that the reason the administration stated that the murder of our ambassador to Lybia was the result of riots that were a response to a video trailer to a movie no one had ever seen—was because that’s what our intelligence folks told them. Okay, it makes sense that the nation’s leadership would say what our intelligence folks told them was the situation. Yet, administration spokes-persons, including our ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, were still saying that 2 weeks later.

In case you don’t know, when the truth came out, there were no riots in Bengazi that day or evening—none. I have serious trouble believing that our entire intelligence system missed the fact that there was no civil unrest at that time—yes, there was an attack by RPG armed Islamists on our consulate that day, but that’s far from a riot. If it’s really true that our intel folks missed the truth for a full day, much less for two full weeks, then it’s certainly time for the head of the CIA, General David Petreaus, to be fired—right?

Then the VP said there was no current problem, for us or Israel, with Iran having nuclear weapons, because our intel on Iran’s activities is so good we’ll know well in advance when they are capable of having a nuclear weapon. He said they do have nuclear material now, but don’t have a weapon to put it into.

Okay, Mr. Vice President, if our intelligence community is so bad that it took two weeks to determine that there was no riot when our ambassador was killed, just why should we—much less Israel—trust them to know when Iran is about to become nuclear capable? So, are you going to fire General Petreaus or not?

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