US Army veteran Mr. Jack E. Lechner, Jr., Superintendent, Arlington National Cemetery; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report.
Dr. John DeVore on preparing for peak performance; Brittany Sleigh on redesigning the AMVETS award-winning publication, “American Veteran”-going digital; Mr. Ari Siegel on support for Israel; Rev. Dennis McMurray.
News and Comment; Dr. Ed Group on holistic health; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report.
Joining us today: Mr. Dave Corker of Fisher House Foundation; Mr. Bill Murdy, honored as a USMA Distinguished Graduate; J.J. Montanaro of USAA; Brandon Coleman on the VA.
David Silverman, co-author with Gen. S. McChrystal on their latest release:Team of Teams; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report.
Guests include author Lela Gilbert on life in Israel and the situation surrounding it; Jackie Jones-Hook on the Buffalo Soldiers Museum in Tacoma, WA.
News; Comments by the Colonel; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report; “The Warrior’s Soul”, a recent release describing powerful principles, emphasizing five core elements, with LTG (Ret) William G.”Jerry” Boykin.
Join current Ms. Veteran America, Kimberly Wolfganger, and Ms. Veteran America director Denyse Gordon on the amazing work of MVA; Jim Cassidy/Don Alsboro on exciting upcoming Lest We Forget weekend. – Denyse and Kimberly – on the Ms...
News and Comments by the Colonel; Joining us today is educator and political analyst Yitzhak Sokoloff. – News and Comments – W.O.W. – with Co-host CWO Roland Ashby – Yitzhak Sokoloff – founder and president of Keshet...
WWII veteran Virgil Wesdale, a Dachau liberator; Army veteran Jerry Flannigan of J-Dog Junk Removal; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report; Darin Estep of Volunteers of America; – WWII Veteran Virgil Westdale – Mr. Westdale on his incredible...