concerned veterans for america


blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Stand Up for Our Flag

I was thinking about all those multi-millionaire pro-football players who refuse to stand for our national anthem. I’m guessing that any family in America can live quite well on, say, $100,000 per year. How many of these America-haters have kept...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag


President Trump has made it clear that while public protesting is appropriate, violence is wrong and he’s opposed to it, period. I totally agree with this. We veterans have defended with our lives the Constitution which guarantees, among other...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag


When the president recently tweeted out that he was going to prohibit transgender persons from joining or being in our military outrage was expressed from many directions—the general complaint was that it was discriminatory and just not fair. It’s...

USCG Announces 11 New Offshore Patrol Cutters

August 6, 2017 As heard on Frontlines of Freedom… The U.S. Coast Guard is pleased to announce the names of the first 11 offshore patrol cutters: * USCGC Argus * USCGC Chase * USCGC Ingham * USCGC Pickering * USCGC Rush * USCGC Icarus * USCGC...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag


NATO—the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, has been our primary military alliance since right after WWII.  During the Cold War period, which was the conflict between the Soviet Union and its satellites and the US and Western Europe, all the...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Standing With Our Police

Our nation is under attack from without—that’s ISIS and friends, and from within—that’s the cop-killing scum from Black Lives Matter and their allies and followers. We’d better all act to get both under control quite soon or...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Trumps VP Choice

From a military perspective, one of the major problems with the current administration is that no one in it at the senior level has any military experience. Okay, there are a couple of vets there but they clearly do not understand or stand up for...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

We Are At War–But Washington Won’t Admit It

The slaughter in Orlando again raises the question of what we should do about attacks like this. But first, we must answer a more fundamental question: Was this a criminal act or an act of war? If these attacks are criminal acts, then the criminals...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

The Constitution of the United States

Every American should know what this says (and what it doesn’t say).  It’s not that long, just less than 7500 words.  It does NOT take a lawyer or a judge to determine what this document says.  The only way to know what is says is to...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Women in Close-Combat Units – conclusion

I think these comments will conclude my series on the destruction or emasculation of our close-combat units by the politically correct civilian crowd who run our Pentagon. The word has been circulating in military circles since 2010 that the combat...

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