The Fourth of July is more than BBQ. To remind everyone at your gathering about the reason for this holiday I have attached an unsigned version of The Declaration of Independence that you can have everyone sign after someone reads it or goes over...
Traditionally, the Air Force Thunderbirds fly over the Air Force Academy during graduation exercises. This year (2013) is the first graduation on record that has occurred under a Sequester created by a dis-functional Congress and an unyielding Obama...
Hiring Our Heroes (HOH) is an outreach by the US Chamber of Commerce working with the VA and other groups to establish job fairs around the nation–for the purpose of getting vets (and their spouses) jobs. Only companies with job openings can...
The official Benghazi attack report is incredibly insufficient—in my not-very-humble-opinion. How many dollars did this thing cost us taxpayers? You’d never guess; the “fault” is assigned to un-named “certain” senior leaders...
With Massachusetts requiring licenses to own any weapon, the total number of weapons registered in the state has dropped from 1.5 million to less than 200,000. In the recent Boston (Watertown) unauthorized search of residences without search...
Much of the Main Stream Media including the New York Times thinks the Boston bombers “self-radicalized” on the Web. Well, apparently no one looked at their mosque, which has churned out other terrorists, too. I was glad to see that USA...
US Senator from California (embarrassingly, that’s my home state) Dianne Feinstein has proposed a bill that would seriously take away many 2nd Amendment rights. This is part of a knee-jerk response to the school shooting in Connecticut, but it’s...
FRONTLINES OF FREEDOM WINS TWO AWARDS, EXPANDS SHOW, AND ADDS 1030 KVOI AS NEWEST AFFILIATE Frontlines of Freedom Earns Two MAB Broadcast Excellence Awards, Expands Weekly Show to Two Hours, & Welcomes KVOI AM 1030 in Tucson, Arizona It’s...
It seems the West Point Counter-terrorism Center has been joined by the Southern Poverty Law Center in deciding that the real danger to America is with patriots. In the below article you will find little but raw hatred and denial of any validity in...
Last month, NBC News uncovered a confidential 16-page Justice Department memo that concluded the US government may execute a drone strike on an American citizen it believes to be a “senior operational leader” of al-Qaeda or “an associated force.”...