I’ve been really quiet for the past week. Last Friday, 23 Apr, I got a new knee. Fifty years ago at West Point I made the last tackle of the last down of the last practice play–and tore a ligament. Now that knee is history. While I...
Today a military jury cleared a Navy SEAL of failing to prevent the beating of an Iraqi prisoner suspected of masterminding a 2004 attack that killed 4 American security contractors. The contractors’ burned bodies were dragged through the...
My good friend and fellow Vietnam Vet Bill Hardiman is running for Congress in Michigan’s 3rd District. I know Bill well and I share his values. I really appreciate that he talks the talk and walks the walk. I encourage everyone I know to...
I really don’t believe that this is still going on. Navy SEALs were sent to capture a terrorist who was the mastermind in the killing of 4 US private security constractors in 2004. They tracked him down and captured him. In the process he...
US Central Command Commander, Gen. David Petraeus, released the following statement this week on the deaths of Abu Ayyub al-Masri, head of Al Qaeda-Iraq, and his partner, Abu Umar al-Baghdadi, head of the Islamic State of Iraq, west of Tikrit during...
I just read an article about our troops helping about 60 Afghan boys form Afghan Boy Scout Troop #1. That brought back thoughts of my days in scouting. I was a cub scout, boy scout, and explorer scout. As an aside, for a few years in the 1950s...
Most mornings, soldiers of the 1073rd Maintenance Co., from my neighbor city of Greenville, MI, escort local nationals working with their Dept of Public Works, from the entry gate, onto Joint Base Balad. The troops escort about 150 Iraqis to their...
A new Defense Department directive providing policy on dissident and political activity was issuedlast November, but has only now been made public. It says that servicemembers “must not actively advocate supremacist doctrine, ideology, or causes.”...
The attack at Fort Hood by an US Army Doctor who had become a traitor and was working with the enemy is very far from being resolved. While he is an American citizen, the only thing he should be tried for is treason–not murder or whatever. The...
I thought this was cool. Our troops are teaching Afgan women how to manage beehives and build a business. Helping women support themselves is very important for the future as women and their children are often widowed and options for work in their...