Segment 1 – Intro and News with Marine vet Skip Coryell Segment 2 – Comments by the Colonel: Downsizing our federal government...
Segment 1 – LTC Don Robinson discusses his time in uniform Segment 2 – Vietnam vet Bob Cook on his time in combat Segment 3...
Segment 1 – Intro and News with Marine vet Skip Coryell Segment 2 – Comments by the Colonel: Declaring cartels to be terrorists...
Great show
As a veteran that went to Panama several times and from ft. Sherman , Rodman navel station Howard AFB.
First time 1987 last time in uniform 1995
Have been at both ends and the middle. After retiring in 2007
I always wanted to go though the canal.
In 2016 the wife and I took a cruise through the canal
Sad to see that China built a huge canal that we didn’t!
The 13 military bases there that I thought was a huge asset and were much like a tropical paradise for a combat engineer from Missouri to go build roads and bridges schools and clinics.
Wish we still had control over the canal. Too bad that China’s playing the long game and we are not!
Thanks for what you do.