Your host welcomes author CDR Mark Bowlinm, USN (Ret), discussing his engaging tale of high adventure “The Texas Gun Club” the first in a new historical fiction series. – Author CDR Mark Bowlin (USN, ret): on his adventurous novel...
Navy spouse Whitney Pipkin on weight-related issues that keep young people from serving; Frontlines of Freedom’s self-defense “guru” Craig Gray on empowerment skills in dangerous group situations; Army veteran Ryan DeBoer. –...
John E. Craven II with the D.O.V.E. Fund, helping Vietnamese children; LTC Gillem and co-hosts Josh and Roland chat about the incredible work of the D.O.V.E. Fund in Vietnam; we are honored to have BG Mike Peplinski, ANG (Ret) join us today. –...
Jenny LaSala tells of her father’s letters from WWII and her book, Comes a Soldier’s Whisper. You’ll be touched by these precious memories; Maria Canales-Terry of Iraq and Afghan Veterans of America (IAVA); Navy CAPT Dave Louwsma...
This hour we talk with retired British Navy veteran, Andrew Gill, and a West Point classmate of LTC Gillem, LTC Bruce Sinclair (USA, ret). – British Navy veteran, Andrew Gill – on the similarities and differences between the US and...
Nick Metcalfe on his book, For Exemplary Bravery: the Queen’s Gallantry Medal; Coast Guard LT John Parsons discusses the history of “dog tags” in the US military, and Ranger Brandon Greenway. – Nick Metcalfe – the...
Co-host Josh Leng waxes eloquent on the state of affairs in Ukraine, and Co-host Roland Ashby interviews former Navy aviator and aircraft carrier Commander CAPT Kent Ewing (US Navy, Ret.) – Josh Leng – provides an important update on the...
British Navy veteran Andrew Gill on a program by the Western Michigan Project Management Institute; LTC Peter Clark (USA,ret) on outstanding books by military authors; Army veteran John Katerberg on Community Based Warrior Transition Unit. –...
Elliot Chodoff, political and military analyst, Navy wife Sheryl Carter on money-saving deals for veterans and active-duty members and families, and attorney Sean Patrick Cox on working with the VA. – Elliot Chodoff is an educator, prolific...
Author Jeremy Dunlap and Mr. Dan Deitz, Sr. on the book “DANNY:THE VIRTUES WITHIN”- the gripping account of the incredible life of a military hero, Navy SEAL Danny Dietz; Air Force pilot Captain Chris Moran. – Speaker and Author...