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Who would ever believe it? Two Gitmo “alum” who were set loose by Obama and Company are back in the terrorist business, and 3 more are strongly suspected of the same–this according to the US Office of Natl Intelligence. Of the 532...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Gitmo detainees

A former GI, identified only as Neely, who was a guard at the detainee camp at Gitmo, recently met with two of his former detainees and apologized to them on British TV. Neely was assigned to Gitmo in 2002 and was there when the first detainees...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Politics rules in Gitmo closings

Military intelligence officials have quietly told Congress they advised against transferring 25 of the 60 Guantanamo Bay terror detainees deemed eligible for relocation by the Obama administration, including five who are considered to be highly...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

President Obama and Gitmo

President Obama, who has clearly ordered Gitmo to be closed within a year, had no plan about what to do with the prisoners/detainees there, and his lack of a plan has come home to roost. We saw this last week when House Democrats refused the...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Do we want to move terrorists to the US?

President Obama’s plan to close Gitmo and transfer the prisoners there to the US is unreasonable. It was one of Obama’s campaign promises, but clearly not one that was thought out. First, what are we going to do with them; put them in US prisons...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag


Last week the chief of the Guantanamo war court ignored President Obama’s request to freeze the military commissions trying war-on-terror captives; he said he would hold a hearing next month for an alleged USS Cole bomber in a capital terror...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag


Our new president wasted no time in issuing an executive order barring torture of suspected terrorists. Problem: no one knows what is meant by the word “torture.” President Obama’s new (designated) chief of national intelligence...

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