concerned veterans for america


blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

It’s Good News

Oh, my gosh! There’s good news from the battlefield! Almost all reports from the folks in Iraq state that there has been a sudden shift in the pulse of battlefield. Sometimes without much warning thousands of once disgruntled Sunni have turned on al...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Standing up for GEN Petreaus

Friends: The horrible way the Cut-and-Run part of Congress and the Hit-and-Run media have treated GEN Petreaus is literally unforgiveable. After some thought I have concluded that the wild-eyed liberals can accuse that honorable general of lying...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Health Care for Veterans

Twenty-eight thousand of our troops have been wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan. But many got home only to be neglected by the veterans care system. The Scty of Vets Affairs has, correctly, resigned. Now a presidential blue-ribbon panel has made...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Dissent and the War

American citizens don’t pick the wars in which we fight. Our freely elected leaders, responding to circumstances, get us involved in wars. We go (or should go) to war as a nation. We are at war against an enemy who, just as Hitler did in the...

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