concerned veterans for america


blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

The War in Iraq

The decision to go to war against Iraq in 2003 was, in my opinion, a good one. Saddam had weapons of mass destruction (WMD); he’d used them in his war against Iran in the 1980s and against his own people, the Kurds, in the 90s. Why would anyone...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Throwing Israel under the Bus

This is amazing. Since WWII the US has had only two consistent, reliable friends, Britain and Israel. All we’ve done for the past few years is to ignore and dishonor them. And now, our Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff used a visit in Britain to...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag


A recent press item said that Israeli authorities used Facebook to monitor plans of folks hostile to Israel; they compiled a list of over 300 names. Authorities then stopped dozens of pro-Palestinian activists from boarding Israel-bound flights in...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Are we at war with our allies?

US foreign policy seems to be that we’re at war with our allies. President O has done so much to offend England that he isn’t invited to the royal wedding. We’ve offended Israel more in the past 14 months than in all of that...

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