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The end of Obama’s presidency?

A US Army major, Stefan Cook, received orders to Afghanistan. Cook believes that President Obama is not a native-born American citizen—and the US Constitution requires that presidents be native born citizens. All President Obama has to do is release...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Riding shotgun in Afghanistan

As combat missions increase in Afghanistan a very dangerous job gets even more important—that of delivering supplies along the sometimes very vulnerable roads. Riding in MRAP vehicles, also known as “gun trucks,” the armed escorts for these comvoys...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Bastille Day in Afghanistan

Freedom is a bond that unites the US, Afghanistan and the coalition of partner nations. As service members of each nation sacrifice to secure Afghanistan, it’s important to remember those who have walked the path of freedom before us. Lessons...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

The surge in Afghanistan

In a new offensive, US Marines descended on Taliban strongholds in southern Afghanistan; they found a scorching desert littered with bombs, little contact, an invisible enemy. They will have to face the guerrilla tactics they used against the...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Tea Party

I was honored to be the master of ceremonies at the Grand Rapids Tea Party today. About 1500 people were there. All were very concerned about the future of our nation. There is no doubt that in the first 6 months of his presidency President Obama...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag


Our troops in Iraq have found that including at least one woman with every group that may have to search or interrogate female Iraqi citizens is a very good idea. Taking things a step further, the Marines created some all-female teams (3-5 women)...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Terrorists buy American

Terrorist groups as well as foreign governments have increasingly attempted, with some succes, to purchase sensitive dual-use and military technology from American companies–this in a US Government /Taliban fighters in Afghanistan...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Tea Parties and the US Constitution

I teach American Government at the local Community College. I always teach the Constitution. It’s very, very clear that our nation and its government are not even close to being in line with our own Constitution. The driving force behind Tea Parties...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Our Intelligence Community Under Attack

Early last May Philip Mudd, a veteran intelligence officer who has worked for the CIA and the FBI, was nominated to be undersecretary for intelligence and analysis at the Department of Homeland Security. He is well qualified. In June Mudd withdrew...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Drugs seized in Afghanistan

KABUL – 9 June, in Helmand, in 2 separate helicopter-borne strikes, around 450 troops from The Black Watch, 3rd Bn, The Royal Regt of Scotland, and 100 Afgan soldiers, found and destroyed more than 5500 kg of opium paste in a large and well...

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