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NATO’s military

You know, our country is broke—and is still going deeper into debt every day. One thing we have backed out of is our role as international Super Power; we’re no longer the world’s cop. That is a good idea, but our dropping out so quickly does leave...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

The War in Iraq

The decision to go to war against Iraq in 2003 was, in my opinion, a good one. Saddam had weapons of mass destruction (WMD); he’d used them in his war against Iran in the 1980s and against his own people, the Kurds, in the 90s. Why would anyone...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

USS Reuben James

On 31 Oct 1941, USS Reuben James (DD-245)—a post-WWI four-funnel Clemson-class destroyer—was the first US Navy ship sunk by hostile action in WWII—this before the US entered the war. Upon the outbreak of war in Europe in September 1939, she joined...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag


On 21 July 2005, terrorists attempted to attack the London transit system by planting bombs on three subways and on one bus; none of the bombs detonated completely. The attempted attack came exactly two weeks after terrorists killed 56 people...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Are we at war with our allies?

US foreign policy seems to be that we’re at war with our allies. President O has done so much to offend England that he isn’t invited to the royal wedding. We’ve offended Israel more in the past 14 months than in all of that...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Don’t defund our nation’s defense

On 30 Jan 1943 the British Royal Air Force began a bombing campaign on the German capital that coincided with the 10th anniversary of Hitler’s accession to power. To celebrate the anniversary of Hitler’s 1933 becoming the head of the...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag


In case no one noticed it, England raised their terror alert status last week. There is trouble with the die-hards in the Irish Republican Army–most of the IRA folks lay down their arms years ago and are living in peace. But there are always...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Our poor constitution

The Constitution of the US was written by a bunch of rich, white guys who had just risked everything to fight the strongest nation in the world, England–and won. They knew that their document wouldn’t be perfect, so they put in a...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

And you could have heard a pin drop

These stories are some of my favorite. /br /When in England, at a fairly large conference, Colin Powell was asked by the Archbishop of Canterbury if our plans for Iraq were just an example of empire building by George Bush. br /He answered...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Drugs seized in Afghanistan

KABUL – 9 June, in Helmand, in 2 separate helicopter-borne strikes, around 450 troops from The Black Watch, 3rd Bn, The Royal Regt of Scotland, and 100 Afgan soldiers, found and destroyed more than 5500 kg of opium paste in a large and well...

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