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TagPresident Obama

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Pull out early?

Just when you think that nothing can get any dumber–you’re proven wrong. Defense Secretary Gates suggested today that some of our forces that were a part of the surge into Afghanistan could leave the country before the President’s...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Obama and outer space

I listened to some of President Obama’s first State of the Union speech last night. It reminded me that some 30 or so years ago while I was on active duty, the Army offered me the opportunity to enter the space program–this probably...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag


President Obama’s national security adviser, retired marine general Jim Jones, told us that the president’s statements today would be shocking. Having heard the president’s talk I heard only one shocking thing–this is the...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Our Remarkable Media

It’s sometime said that our main-stream press is biased. We do know that their reporting from Iraq and Afghanistan is, well, something less than accurate. br /br /Anyway, consider this. Isn’t it remarkable that the media can find every...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Our European Allies

We all know that the media tells us that President Obama’s charm has the world respecting us again. We all know, too, that he’s been pressing all these countries that like us so much now to provide some military help in Iraq and Afghanistan. Well...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Spying on Venezuela

Last Sunday Venezuela President Hugo Chavez accused the US of violating Venezuela’s airspace with an unmanned spy plane; he ordered his military to be on alert and shoot down any such aircraft in the future. Speaking during his weekly...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

President Obama and the Just War

I’m indebted to my West Point classmate, Mike Wikan, for his comments on President Obama’s speech this evening as he accepted the Nobel Peace Prize. I couldn’t my thoughts any better, so I have borrowed most of is words. I’m guessing that the...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Win in Afghanistan

Recent releases from the White House indicate that the president will use my alma mater, West Point, as the background for his announcement that he will, indeed, reinforce our troops in Afghanistan. He’ll do it with fewer troops than the...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Obama’s Afghanistan Plan

President Obama said Tuesday he intends to “finish the job” in Afghanistan on his watch and destroy terrorist networks there. The president said he would reveal his decision on how many additional troops to deploy to Afghanistan after...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Germany is waiting, too

The Pentagon says any surge into Afghanistan will be a challenge due to the poor infrastructure in the country. The talk was presuming that there would be such a surge. President Obama continues his /In response Germany’s...

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