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blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

One more freed terrorist

The US military has released a senior member of a deadly terror group backed by Iran that has been directly implicated in the kidnapping and murder of five US soldiers in Karbala in early 2007. Laith al Qazali was freed last weekend “as part...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Our Enemies cannot Defeat us, but

Ralph Peters recently wrote that the most troubling aspect of international security for the US is not the killing power of our enemies, which remains modest in historical terms, but our increasingly effete view of warfare. The greatest advantage...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Terrorism coming to the USA

I heard something yesterday that really excited me. I’ve been saying for years that if the US withdraws from Iraq/Afghanistan before the area is stable, then within a year we will have active terrorism in the US; that was one of my points on...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Time Magazine Iwo Jima

Time Magazine, in their 21 April issue, now says that the clearly disproven theory (not science) of global warming is of greater danger to us than is terrorism!!! Their cover takes the famous Joe Rosenthal photo of our marines planting the flag on...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Anti-war folk are pro-violence

The trend is clear. As has been the case throughout history, those who say they that they are anti-war regularly use violence as a means of making their point–just as they say that they are pro-free-speech, but will shout down or attack those...

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