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Cyberspace or Battlespace

Although some pentagon officers expressed concern that this would happen as long as 5 years ago, our military was unprepared for what happened this month. Iraqi terrorists hacked into the system to download video and communications from some UAVs...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Our future in Iraq

In a speech recently delivered near Kirkuk, Iraq, Sec Def Gates said that the role of our military in Iraq remains critical in preserving gains made and helping to prevent violence prior to Iraq’s national elections. The Iraqi theater has...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

This will be a long war

Before anyone starts deciding just what it will take for us to win in Afghanistan and come home, remember the war in Iraq isn’t over yet. Yes, the Iraqi military and government are doing much better and have taken on much of their own self...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Changing the Culture

One thing is sure. The culture of any group will trump any plan any leader has. The only way to make substantial change in any group is to change the /br /Over 1000 candidates graduated from the Baghdad Police College on 9 Nov. They...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Specialist Wang

Meirong Wang was born in and attending college in China; as she was finishing her degree and looking forward to teaching high school physics she had the opportunity to travel to the US. Once she was here she decided to stay; she wasn’t renouncing...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

The media, Iraq and America

Near Tikrit, Iraq, American soldiers arrested 5 suspected terrorists on 4 Oct. The suspects are allegedly main contributors behind a media cell that spreads terrorist propaganda throughout northern Iraq. They also are key contributors towards...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Withdrawal from Iraq

We are speeding up our military withdrawal from Iraq with 4,000 more troops coming home next month. This reduction in US troops in Iraq from 124,000 to 120,000 by the end of October – marks the latest US step in winding down the six-year war...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Rosh Hashanah in Afghanistan

While I suspect that Jewish holidays have been celebrated in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other places our troops are stationed in the Mideast as our Jewish service people and chaplains practice their faith, this is the first time that this old, retired...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Clean water–a great gift

Something as simple as clean water is easily be taken for granted here in the US. In Iraq, however, purified drinking water is a luxury not everyone enjoys. Earlier this month, US and Iraqi troops arrived in a very poor village. Then they went door...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

No Living Medal of Honor Recipients?

President Obama recently presented the Medal of Honor to Army Sergeant First Class Jared Monti for valorous conduct above the call of duty. It was a posthumous award. Monti is the sixth recipient of the medal since 9-11 and the second to receive it...

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