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blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

The President-elect

While I definately did not support his candidacy, I do accept that Senator Obama will, in about 2 months, be my president. One of the things that is a part of the military culture, and, indeed, prescribed in our Constitution, is civilian...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Vice Presidential Candidates

Now that we know who the two Vice Presidential candidates are, we can look at what they bring to the tables. Both have a son who is in the military. The Biden’s oldest son is the attorney general of Delaware and is a JAG officer in the...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Declaring War

I’ve been reading a lot of websites as I evaluate the various candidates for president. I’ll be issuing the Colonels Report Card on these candidates on 13 Jan–just before the Michigan Presidential Primary Election on the 15th...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

We owe them better than this.

All the reports from the Mideast show that our troops are doing magnificantly. They are brave, resourceful, and dedicated. If there is one quite common characteristic among our troops, it is that they believe in what they were doing over there;...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Veteran/Military oriented Charities

This month the news has been full of reports about a number of national charities that claim to support present and former members of the military and have been anywhere to inefficient to fradulant in their use of the funds that they have raised...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Get Congress off of their XXXX

This Tuesday, 4 December the Congress will return to “work” after a 14-day Thanksgiving vacation. Further, they intend final adjournment on 21 December. That leaves 17 calendar days for them to enact major money legislation to keep the...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Re-elect Nobody

“One who loves his country and zealously supports its authority and interests” is the definition of “Patriot” in Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary. If this definition is valid, and I believe that it is, then many politicians can no longer wave the...

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